Technology posts

Health-care predictions for 2015

Health-care predictions for 2015

IDC Health Insights has issued its predictions for health-care in 2015, and just as one might expect, they revolve around cost, technology, and operational efficiency. Here are some of the key takeaways. Cybersecurity. By 2020, 42% of digital health-care data will be unprotected. That creates a risk. By 2015, half of all health-care organizations will […]

What exactly is OneDrive?

What exactly is OneDrive?

Businesses who subscribe to Microsoft Office 365 gain access to a number of programs, one of which is OneDrive for Business. At first glance, this would appear to be the same as the OneDrive that personal users also access. However, despite sharing the same name, they are two different programs. Here is a brief overview […]