Eladio Martinez is the Owner of MAFE Computer Services, LLC. Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate, certified by Microsoft for support of their Small Business Server products. Since 2003, he is been fulfilling the Technology needs of Small Business as an IT Consultant.

Knowing the basics of Business Intelligence

Knowing the basics of Business Intelligence

If your business is not already using business intelligence systems, you are at a distinct disadvantage against the competition, and are failing to maximize a truly valuable opportunity to understand your position in the market. Business intelligence takes raw business data and converts it into insights that you can not only understand, but which offer […]

Why hackers target healthcare data?

Why hackers target healthcare data?

Medical institutions rely on their healthcare systems to facilitate the needs of their patients, whether through electronic medical records, prescription management or data entry software. Unfortunately, most healthcare service providers don’t realize how vulnerable their IT systems are to cyber attacks. One of the contributing factors to data breach is digitization. While there are several […]

How to make the most of hashtags

How to make the most of hashtags

There was a time when social media platforms were hashtag-free. But the reality in today’s online world is that hashtags are one of the most prominent tools used in social media. And with more businesses than ever engaging in social media to stay competitive, let’s take a look at how different social media sites make […]

How small businesses can benefit from BI

How small businesses can benefit from BI

Business intelligence, or BI, is a common term in the business world today. It combines and analyzes data to help business owners make important decisions and strategies. Business intelligence was only used by large enterprises until very recently but technology has evolved rapidly, and BI’s costs have dropped dramatically, making it affordable for small businesses. […]

Google's mobile payment platform

Google’s mobile payment platform

As the latest technology permeates the business world to an ever greater extent, consumers are increasingly turning to mobile payment platforms for the ease and convenience they offer in settling up without fumbling around for coins, notes and cards. And businesses that adopt these new technologies are the ones that are cleaning up with increased […]

How to choose the best MSP

How to choose the best MSP

Business owners increasingly realize the importance of adopting IT systems that are efficient, flexible, and cost-effective. But as customers’ expectations rise, their IT becomes far too complex and demanding for businesses to manage alone. This is why many businesses opt to contract a Managed Services Provider (MSP) to look after their IT needs. This is […]