Eladio Martinez is the Owner of MAFE Computer Services, LLC. Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate, certified by Microsoft for support of their Small Business Server products. Since 2003, he is been fulfilling the Technology needs of Small Business as an IT Consultant.

The meaning of confusing computer words

The meaning of confusing computer words

If you’re not an IT professional or have an in-depth knowledge of technology, computer terminology can seem like a foreign language. While you certainly don’t need to be fluent in geek speak, having a basic understanding of it can help in a number of ways. For example, it can help you purchase the right equipment […]

Tips to speed up your Windows 10 computer

Tips to speed up your Windows 10 computer

If you’ve finally made the upgrade to Windows 10, you may be disappointed that it’s running slower than expected. You may wonder, what’s the cause of this? Well, thankfully there are a few typical culprits, and solutions to fix them. Here are four steps you can take to significantly speed up your Windows 10 OS. […]

IT security concerns of the finance sector

IT security concerns of the finance sector

The time to increase cyber situational awareness and establish better security strategies has never been more opportune. Since 2015, the number of attacks on the financial services sector has increased and shows no signs of letting up. Whether it be extortion or credential-stealing malware, different tactics are utilized to target desired areas. To optimize safety, […]

How to get the most out of Office 365

How to get the most out of Office 365

While many Office 365 users know the service can boost their company’s productivity, many aren’t utilizing it to its full potential. There are several key principles and tips that can make the service even more productive. So to help you get the most out of Office 365, here are some tips to follow. Get all […]

How virtualization helps cut costs

How virtualization helps cut costs

With the gradual integration of virtualization, many small and medium-sized businesses have seen many benefits that extend beyond their bottom line. Not only does it aid with cost efficiency but also with disaster recovery and several other areas of operations. Here are a few other reasons why thousands of SMBs are virtualizing their business model. […]

Test drive VoIP with these apps

Test drive VoIP with these apps

You may be thinking about replacing your traditional phone system with VoIP. But you have some reservations. How does VoIP work? Is it really a reliable service? Do the cost savings really live up to the hype? If you’re unfamiliar with VoIP, there are some alternative, low-cost options available for you to test out beforehand. […]

Windows 10 privacy protection tips

Windows 10 privacy protection tips

It takes seconds to infiltrate and obtain private information. And while it’s unlikely that Microsoft will cause your business financial ruin with their data collection, the fact is that Windows 10 gathers a ridiculous amount of private information from users. So here are some tips that will enhance your privacy when using the operating system. […]

4 ways to manage your online image

4 ways to manage your online image

Not only has the 21st Century brought about vast technological advances, it has also enabled new ways for businesses to get their brand messages out to customers and unearthed a new-found necessity: online reputation management. With a multitude of platforms and tools out there, it has never been easier for customers to directly interact with […]